its dragging by
like ball and chain
manacled on a prisoner's feet.
Rustling papers, whirring fans and
unsure gazes fill the silence
in lazy form.
Ah! A happy crow sings an off-key melody
Phew! Life exists!
Still, stillness pierces through
No matter how peaceful
body starts its complaints
All kinds of
cramps, cricks and knots
march relentlessly into the body
like soldiers ready to fell
a mammoth enemy
So, is rest, relaxation, peace and
all the hoopla a hoax then?
If only
a true emotion
was allowed
to burst free in this void
with wild abandon
Sadly, its not to be
Sit tight, gaze steady and
'Duty', be honored!
This stillness, unwelcome
But to be endured still
will endure....
This was written when I had Xmas exam supervision. When i was a student, I used to think that the exam supervisors are really lucky, that they didnt have to write or undergo the pain of writing the exam. Wrong! Its a torture to be an exam supervisor. For three hours, which stretches like 3 years, I (not just me, other teachers also) have to stand there-doing nothing but stare at the exam fevered students. One thing we can do, is study the expressions of the students. Its semi- interesting. This poem reflects what went through my mind when i was in one such exam duty.