Split these differences
What's left?
O! Duality, no more fire!
dying embers greet numbly
No more spark of tempestous unity

Only Grayscale Vision

Facing away these semi-spheres
No fit this way!

What's left?
Blinding light?
Loud silence?
Crammed void?

No more colours in this kaleido'scope' !

Only Grayscale Vision

O stillness,
So, now u greet me?
With nary a budge, a sound?

No wind, no touch
I walk this space, in what?
In solitude.
Your presence?
Just a memory.

Come, my duality!
Have us our differences
This harmony of fire,
let us keep
For, this light,
this silence,
this void,
explodes in calm.

Only Grayscale Vision

In Fire or ash
In stillness or motion
A disarray it will make

What comes to everyone's mind when u hear the words 'Bucket list'? I came to know what it actually meant only when I saw the movie recently. It certainly makes u think bout makin' your own list. My gud friend chris has passed on the baton to me. So first I would like to thank her for getting my lazy brain out into the thinking fields. So, I will list the things i would like to do before I croak and pass it on to others. Its as simple as that.

Have to warn u though, its not that impressive. Just some of the simple pleasures of life that I know I would enjoy.

1) Live in a wooden cottage(alone & with all the amenities of course!) overlooking snowcapped mountains and a little stream nearby where i can just sit and watch the water gurgle over the rocks. It would look Something like what the following links show- 1 or 2

2) Go to Switzerland and eat lotsa yummy Swiss chocolate.

3) Learn to play the guitar and just go crazy with it( hopefully, i won't drive people crazy)

4) Make the perfect Christmas Tree and enjoy a white christmas by myself (hopefully in the cottage listed above)

I think, that's all for now. I don't know if i'll add to the list later on. But if luck is on my side I'll be subtracting rather than adding to it.

So, now I'll pass this on to others who, I hope, will carry this on.

Chinny - I hope she puts her bucket list into verse. Would be interesting to see how it would turn out.

B - awesome writer and, if my guess is right, a die hard traveller.

Bindhu -She's also a traveller. i would really like to see her bucket list

Lockhart - he writes some pretty good poems. I would like to see what he comes up with.

I am a packrat(not the actual rat,but figuratively). I keep every bit of paper, card, pen, refill, pencil stub……. And so the list goes. Whatever I got from others I have kept it. My cupboards are crammed with things. I know, people say we should not give importance to material things, we should be spiritual, blah,blah,blah…But sometimes these things that we keep, insignificant as they are, they cheer us up(somewhat).When you think about it, are they useful? No. But something just keeps me from throwing them out. Recently, I took a decision to clear out a few things (no easy task, mind you). So started my crusade to rid myself of my packrat label. It was like hacking through a jungle. Pulling up stuff from under, reaching inside the corners, separating things which you didn’t think can stick. And all the while, having some sneezing bouts.

So, after a kerchief around my nose, kinda bandit-ish and a lot of work(a whole lot of work) later, the cupboards were clean. I had a smile on face. Phew! At last! The cupboards were clean. But my smile was a bit premature. I turned around and was greeted by a big pile! A huge pile of trivial possessions. The “Phew!” that I released, came back in full speed and settled in my throat. Ah, well! I started this. Might as well finish it.

One of the benefits of being a packrat is that you’ll find many things which you lost awhile back. Like my game and watch which I thought I lost. Wow, almost feel bad for accusing my bro for stealing that.

Has anyone seen mouldy money? I have. I found some rupee notes which were covered with mould(Talk about ‘pootha kaasu’. Eeww! That one was disgusting). I can’t throw these away. It is money, after all.

Aww! I found the B’day gifts which I got in college. Cannot throw them away. Too many memories.

What about the shampoos and lotions? Whoa! This one expired in 1995? Yuck! Thump! Into the dustbin it goes followed by some more of the half finished and barely touched lotions & shampoos.

Then came some bills. Ok! Ok! Not some bills, but a pile of bills. Hmm! Lets see-Anns bakery, Anns bakery, Ladies Store, DC Books, Anns Bakery, Archies, Anns Bakery, Anns bakery, Varkeys Supermarket, Anns Bakery, DC books, Anns Bakery, Anns Bakery ……..I know what you are thinking.

How come I didn’t have any bills from Jocees bakery, right?

So on and on I rummaged, sorted, categorized. Then came the treasure. And what a treasure it was. Just the discovery of this one made me forget all the trouble and hard work. It was my bundle of greeting cards. These I kept safe and sound for a long time. Nowadays I don’t get greeting cards, only e-cards(which are not bad, except for the fact that they are not accessible after 65 days). It felt wonderful to go through all those beautiful greeting cards. Cards from family, friends, classmates who I can’t even remember now. It lifted up my spirits. All the while I sorted through them, I had a stupid grin on my face. Those cards were so beautiful. Some had music, some had chubby babies, some had talcum powder inside them(it was during the anthrax scare-by the way, talcum powder can become mouldy) some had flowers, teddy bears, bunnies, santas, reindeers, infant jesus, nativity and so it goes on. Fact is, it felt great knowing that, some time or the other, these people liked me enough to go to all the trouble of sending me a piece of paper with a picture on it. I had to keep them. They were too dear to my heart to throw away.

And so I continued with my clearing out process. It took me a long while to do it, but I did it. In the end, the dust bin was not full like I expected. It held only some bottles of lotions and shampoos and some bills. The rest? Well, the rest ended up back in my cupboards, but in an organized manner. Still cramped, still full, my sweet insignificant memory ties!


The noose tightening round my neck.

Life as I knew it would is over.

That life! Lying on its death bed, breathing its last wisp of breath.

This new life, is not one I know of,

but certainly! It doesn’t look bright. It approaches me, A large billowing cloud,

Hands outstretched, Victim clear in sight.

It seems to have a villainous smile.

I face it head on, but with shivers coursing through my body.

No turning back.

Rolling forward, that cloud!

Like a cloak of many folds blowing in the wind.

Even as it approaches me

I can’t help but admire the majesty of this new phenomenon

So beautiful, with a beauty so dark


In mere moments it will envelop me

I won’t fight it,

But certainly won’t accept it into me

Fail to see the glory of that new life which others before me and after me see

Fool you are! Called my other commons

Accept it! Told my other commons

You will in time! Prophesied my other commons

I don’t know

Maybe time will tell

But for now, I stand my ground

Face the music as they say

And not hope for the best!

-M. Rose

Hi, this is not verse, i know, but it was written a long time ago and I wanted it out somewhere. Excuse the crappy style!!

Strange Encounter

It was a very cold night in December. The tall, beautiful lady walked down the snow paved street. She wore a long dark coat. Her face looked like polished alabaster. But if we take a closer look, we can see her cheerless eyes. Those beautiful eyes carried a world of sorrow, so much of pain, such dejection.

She had no choice. It was her job. She ‘had’ to do it. He was selected for her. It was simple- Go, meet the man and do what she was told to do. Not many people were out in the streets in such cold weather. Those who were out didn’t spare her a glance. Who would look at her? A woman with a profession like hers! She shook off her sadness and concentrated on the job at hand.

She went straight to the man’s house. She thought about the particulars of this man and winced. He was married and had two children! Right now his wife and children were out visiting their grandparents. How could she go on?

She opened the door and went straight in. When at first she started this job, she used to tell herself “Don’t tell them who you are, they’ll know.” She stepped into the living room and saw him sitting on a sofa reading a book. He heard her and stood up. Transfixed, he stared at her for a while. “Are you…?” he didn’t finish his question. She nodded. “When?” he asked. “In a few moments” she replied

Suddenly, the man’s face crumpled. He clutched his chest and fell down. The pain was unbearable and he writhed in agony. A few minutes passed. The lady has not moved from her position. A light breeze blew in from the open window. She saw the man standing next to her looking down at his own immobile body. He looked at her and she said, “Its time to go.”

The Angel of death and the soul walked down the street disappearing into the shadows, unseen, unheard….

Sat under the cherry tree did I,

Gazing at the mesh of cherry blossoms above

Candy pink was their hue

And downy to the touch

Like pink snow from the sky

They fell around me

In a slow dance

Like little ballerinas

They twirled as they made their way

To the waiting earth.

Some of them settled on my lap

While others preferred my hair

Like little girls who had secrets to share

They whispered in my ear

“Joys and sorrows tangled;

is what life is,

yet so short

like a dream”

- M.Rose

Mr. Bone Pile

I am a pile of bones.

No! Really! I am literally a bone pile

Used to have a life

But now, as you can see

Jumbled carcass use for none

Call me…uh… Mr. Bone Pile!

Suits me, don’t you think?

A clutter of calcium

With comeliness only on Halloween night

Life in death

Possible? Yes?

U don’t think so?

Thoughts with wings are clipped

For they are dead

Do we die just to be buried and turn to dust?

Or is there an ostentatious heaven waiting for us?

With the histrionic trimmings

Of chubby angels and Golden gates

Waiting for us with open arms

If there is one, my friend

Can skeletons be allowed entry?

Or is there a garish gruesome hell?

The domain of Mr. Fearsome scorching ex-angel dude

Where we get roasted on the pit for sins past.

If there is one, my friend

Can skeletons be allowed entry?

What if…

What if this is it?

We live, we die, we are buried

With glories sung in our name

Those laurels, half-truths is what they are

As we surely know

All that is left and will soon turn to dust is me

Mr. Bone Pile

I will be what remains

Ha! Remains! (chuckles)

I guess that’s what I am

Well, what really is life after death?

Guess what my friend,

Think! Yes, yes, all that crap of the soul going to heaven and hell…

Yes! Ideas which you hold so dear

But have you proof ?

Confirmation from the dead?

I didn’t think so.

Now see, I am real

You who demands reality in an age in which sanity is each his own

This is what life after death is

This is who life after death is.

Take a good look my friend

A pile of bones is what you’ll also be

What? Heaven and hell, do they exist?


Um… excuse my vocabulary….

As I was saying, NO!

If there were such, won’t I be in either?

After all, am I not a creation of that mighty maker

Unsettling it may be my friend,

But its a fact

We live, we die, we are buried

Move on with your life friend, and let me contemplate

For there’s nothing else I can do.

But sit around, be a pile of bones

For, guess what?

This is what life after death is!!

A pile of bones!

No more! No less!

- M.Rose


Blue mountains and crazy seas,

Think a while where you are.

So soft the grass beneath my feet,

Freedom unimpaired, you are mine.

Oh wind, caressing me like a lover so gentle.

No time for thoughts, no time for recollections

Only now in this dream universe,

Just me and nature for company.

Forward I move, where to? I do not know.

Yonder I can see, nestled among the hills,

The most wondrous palace there ever was.

Dazzling white in the bright sun.

I knew, this is where I’m meant to be.

This is where I have to be.

Without qualms, I forward myself

To my dream destination

I must pass on.



Not everything you see is real,

Not everything you hear is true,

Let instinct lead you forth

Let your heart preserve your soul!


Thump! Thump!

Thump! Thump!

Thump! Thump!

Pulsing crimson

Stop, no! no stop for this.

For, to stop would be the end.

Thump! Thump!

Thump! Thump!

Fading into the system

Encased in this bony trellis of a prison, this scarlet beating rock

For no escape it has ever known

Stop! NO! It can’t

No freedom ever it will know.

No sights ever it will see

And sounds? Any?

Ah! Only its own.

Thump! Thump!

Thump! Thump!

A ticking time-bomb

Whoresome ruby sap courses over it, under it

Through it

Feeding it, keeping it present

Blissfully unaware, this red being

Effect on its humanity

For who could breathe the golden sun if your throbbing there be no more

Thump! Thump!

Thump! Thump!

- M. Rose

Ah, Loneliness! Does anybody crave you like I do?

So often do mankind flee from thee

But la! Lament not!

I’ll embrace thee!

- M. Rose

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