Mr. Bone Pile

I am a pile of bones.

No! Really! I am literally a bone pile

Used to have a life

But now, as you can see

Jumbled carcass use for none

Call me…uh… Mr. Bone Pile!

Suits me, don’t you think?

A clutter of calcium

With comeliness only on Halloween night

Life in death

Possible? Yes?

U don’t think so?

Thoughts with wings are clipped

For they are dead

Do we die just to be buried and turn to dust?

Or is there an ostentatious heaven waiting for us?

With the histrionic trimmings

Of chubby angels and Golden gates

Waiting for us with open arms

If there is one, my friend

Can skeletons be allowed entry?

Or is there a garish gruesome hell?

The domain of Mr. Fearsome scorching ex-angel dude

Where we get roasted on the pit for sins past.

If there is one, my friend

Can skeletons be allowed entry?

What if…

What if this is it?

We live, we die, we are buried

With glories sung in our name

Those laurels, half-truths is what they are

As we surely know

All that is left and will soon turn to dust is me

Mr. Bone Pile

I will be what remains

Ha! Remains! (chuckles)

I guess that’s what I am

Well, what really is life after death?

Guess what my friend,

Think! Yes, yes, all that crap of the soul going to heaven and hell…

Yes! Ideas which you hold so dear

But have you proof ?

Confirmation from the dead?

I didn’t think so.

Now see, I am real

You who demands reality in an age in which sanity is each his own

This is what life after death is

This is who life after death is.

Take a good look my friend

A pile of bones is what you’ll also be

What? Heaven and hell, do they exist?


Um… excuse my vocabulary….

As I was saying, NO!

If there were such, won’t I be in either?

After all, am I not a creation of that mighty maker

Unsettling it may be my friend,

But its a fact

We live, we die, we are buried

Move on with your life friend, and let me contemplate

For there’s nothing else I can do.

But sit around, be a pile of bones

For, guess what?

This is what life after death is!!

A pile of bones!

No more! No less!

- M.Rose


much food for thought! liked ur style.

July 24, 2008 at 2:21 AM  

poetry is words that breathe and thoughts that burn...
purely these are lively breaths and burning thoughts

August 4, 2008 at 11:03 AM  

is this ur mastr creation.....

i din get tht feel tht i got while readin DREAD VISION.....

March 28, 2010 at 10:04 AM  

@ mainiac: Well, this was experimental! So got a lil long winded(got carried away actually!) Its one of the thoughts that i hav often....wat is life after death? Is there? Isn't there? We never really know!

March 28, 2010 at 12:56 PM  

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