Strange Encounter

Hi, this is not verse, i know, but it was written a long time ago and I wanted it out somewhere. Excuse the crappy style!!

Strange Encounter

It was a very cold night in December. The tall, beautiful lady walked down the snow paved street. She wore a long dark coat. Her face looked like polished alabaster. But if we take a closer look, we can see her cheerless eyes. Those beautiful eyes carried a world of sorrow, so much of pain, such dejection.

She had no choice. It was her job. She ‘had’ to do it. He was selected for her. It was simple- Go, meet the man and do what she was told to do. Not many people were out in the streets in such cold weather. Those who were out didn’t spare her a glance. Who would look at her? A woman with a profession like hers! She shook off her sadness and concentrated on the job at hand.

She went straight to the man’s house. She thought about the particulars of this man and winced. He was married and had two children! Right now his wife and children were out visiting their grandparents. How could she go on?

She opened the door and went straight in. When at first she started this job, she used to tell herself “Don’t tell them who you are, they’ll know.” She stepped into the living room and saw him sitting on a sofa reading a book. He heard her and stood up. Transfixed, he stared at her for a while. “Are you…?” he didn’t finish his question. She nodded. “When?” he asked. “In a few moments” she replied

Suddenly, the man’s face crumpled. He clutched his chest and fell down. The pain was unbearable and he writhed in agony. A few minutes passed. The lady has not moved from her position. A light breeze blew in from the open window. She saw the man standing next to her looking down at his own immobile body. He looked at her and she said, “Its time to go.”

The Angel of death and the soul walked down the street disappearing into the shadows, unseen, unheard….


Boy thats what I call twist! Well done and not one of those inserted-for-the-sake-of-inserting kind of twist! Ok I made a mess with that line but you get it!

Visited your blog before but I fail to understand verses so couldnt leave comments. From your comments though it was obvious M.Rose could write and she could write well!

Clean blog, nice theme :-)
Hope you write more of these so poor verse-ignorant readers like me could comment more often!

And could you change comment-settings to include comments from non-blogger users?

July 18, 2008 at 3:22 PM  

@amcris,thanks 4 u'r comment. U don't need 2 pummel u'r brains too much to understand verses. What u understand from it can be u'r interpretation (am i making any sense? Even i can't understand what i write! He!He!) Just Go with the flow!
As 4 the comment-settings, i'm a newbie at the whole blogging thing.But i did something after u'r comment. Please let me know if it worked!

July 18, 2008 at 3:47 PM  

It did :-)
See? I am Ms Cris again hehe!

July 20, 2008 at 1:55 PM  

good. a real real twist!expect more such stuff from you.

July 22, 2008 at 3:49 AM  

Kahani mein twist. Good one :-)

July 23, 2008 at 12:52 AM  

@ chinny
@ bindhu--- thank u. Nice to knw u guys liked it!

July 23, 2008 at 12:58 PM  

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